Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Let Your Food Be Your Medicine

We are so excited our class is fast approaching.  Reminder to go to www.wanthealing.com to register.  Registration will close on Wednesday November 14th at 6:00 p.m.

Grand Opening - Great Success

Wow!  What a grand opening we had.  The day began with friends and family showing up to help.  Thank you for those that helped bake, make sandwiches and cookies and set up.  I could have not done it without you.  The afternoon was perfect from the weather to the atmosphere and to the wonderful friends and family that came.  Thank you for making the grand opening of Healing Hands Ranch one to remember.  Again thank you to Dr. Sherrie Reimers for the suprise membership to the Holistic Chamber of Commerce!  I am so grateful. 

Courtyard Tables

Thanks to Blumen-Meisters and Devin for the flowers!

Friends & Family

Friends & Family

Wish I had another lavender mint cookie